HIS Home for Children

What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: 
to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering
and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world. 
James 1:27

When God satisfies your heart’s desire in ways that look different from your dreams, it can take years of praying and laboring before we understand. The desire of my heart to adopt began long before I met my husband. I remember telling a coworker in college that my dream was to own a large farmhouse big enough for twenty kids. 

My beloved husband, Shawn, was all in for adopting, but not 20. After two miracle babies of our own, we felt complete in that season. About ten years later the Lord led me to pray sibling groups into adoption. It all started with four siblings in an orphanage in Haiti. The thought of their separation from each other after the losing their parents broke my heart and I began to pray. Within six months they were adopted together!

The Lord assigned me a set of twins, then a sibling group of three and so on. The prayer assignments ended when we began our own adoption endeavor. For reasons I’ll leave unsaid, it was not the Lord’s will for us. The wrestling was fierce, the tears were endless, and the questions for God seemed to go unanswered. But what came out of that valley has been a blessing beyond measure and much more than 20 children.

Joy has come. To sow into a place where the hugs are endless, and the giggles and smiles are free truly was the desire of my heart. God knew. To give not one, but hundreds of children a chance at life is more than enough for me. This is my WHY. 

Michelle Hearn - The Bible Lady
receives no compensation or commission
for your donations to HIS Home for Children.